Put simply, Christ Community Church is a church filled with imperfect people, transformed by God’s love, seeking to enjoy and declare the grace we have in Christ.
Our Purpose.
God, by His grace, has redeemed a people for Himself through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is supremely worthy of all glory, worship and the delight of all people.
God has promised that through His people, cities, nations and the world will be blessed.
We live to enjoy and declare the wonders of God’s grace in Christ for the good of Brisbane, Australia, and the world.
So that
The surpassing riches of Jesus Christ will be enjoyed and declared by multitudes in our city, nation and world according to God’s eternal purpose.
Our Values.
The gospel as the foundation for our relationship with God and people
The gospel not only leads us to Christ but also carries us on with Him. This good news tells us that we are eternally loved and accepted by God through faith in Christ; therefore, we are able to love and accept others. The cross destroyed the barriers that held people at bay with God and each other. Our church desires to be a safe home where the love of God is demonstrated to one another.
Teaching that is Christ-centred and culturally appropriate
The gospel gives us relevant and redemptive truths to teach. The person and work of Jesus is a powerful message for the Christian and the seeker, so grace will be our constant theme. We will teach the Bible with confidence that God will continually renew us through His Word as we respond in faith and obedience.
Decentralised ministry philosophy
The gospel grants us the privilege of ministry. Recognising each member’s unique contribution to the body of Christ, we will equip people and encourage the use of their individual gifts for the corporate good. We desire to see all members labouring together.
Strategic risk taking
The gospel empowers us to be uncomfortable. We are to be boldly stepping out in faith, aggressively using our gifts and resources to advance the gospel in Brisbane. The gospel empowers us to shake off our complacency and to expectantly attempt great things that only the power of God can accomplish.
Life-on-life ministry model
The gospel moves us to serve as representatives of Christ. Jesus left for us a model of ministry for the extension of His kingdom. This model was multiplying in purpose and personal, intentional, and equipping in nature. We desire our church to be characterised by a commitment to life-on-life discipleship.
Wholeheartedness in corporate and private worship
The gospel leads us to personally know God in deep and meaningful ways. God is primarily concerned with the condition of our hearts as we worship Him. Our pursuit of God is to mirror His passionate pursuit of us.
Growing leadership and ministries from within
The gospel enables us to trust the Lord to raise up leadership and ministry opportunities. Leadership and ministries are most effective when they are developed from within. The continuation of our vision will only be as successful as our commitment to this value.
Being kingdom focused
The gospel draws us to affirm all work done for the kingdom of God. It calls us away from self-interest in our relationship with other Christian churches or ministries. We desire that the bounds of our fellowship not be determined by peripheral convictions but by the central truths of the gospel.
Posture of gratitude
The gospel reminds us of our sinful condition and of God’s saving grace. Life is to be lived with the knowledge of God’s sovereignty in all things. This leads us to live life with gratitude regardless of circumstance because God is devoted to our good.
Lifestyle of prayer
The gospel has made God accessible through prayer. The strength of our ministry is dependant upon God and will parallel the strength of our prayer life. We will be a people whose passion is to rest in the intimate embrace of our Father through prayer.
Our Beliefs.
Our Staff.

Pete is thankful that God is merciful. Even though Pete has rebelled against God, he is blown away that Jesus took the punishment for that rebellion. He is even more amazed that he doesn’t have to do anything to earn God’s forgiveness, but simply trusts that Jesus paid the price on the cross.
Pete reckons it is a privilege to teach people about Jesus and is passionate about helping people respond to the wonders of God’s grace in Christ. Pete is married to Carly and has four children.

In 2018, Benjamin became connected to Christ Community Chuch through Uni Impact. After learning about God’s heart for him and His promises, he gave his life to Christ.
Right now, he hopes the work he does in the background will enable our church and free up our ministries to flourish.

Grant has been serving in campus ministry since 2006 and is currently the Tasman Network Director for Uni Impact. He also serves as the Grow Section Leader at Christ Community Church which encompasses our discipleship and small groups ministries.
Grant’s passion is to see people living out of their identity in Christ and using their gifts, talents, and experience to joyfully serve God in their work, church, and family.

Having come to follow Jesus while studying at university, Sam now leads the Uni Impact staff team, which is CCC’s university ministry and is a part of the international organisation: Campus Outreach.
The Uni Impact team seeks to glorify God by building Christ centred labourers on the university campus for the lost world.

Matt, Nick, Jared, Grant, Pete (not shown: Sam)
The Bible gives a lot of guidance as to what are the characteristics and role of Church Elders. For instance, we see the following broad categories:
- Character: 1 Tim 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5:1-5
- Prayer: James 5:14, Acts 6:2-4
- Overseers: Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5:1-5
- Preaching/example: 1 Tim 5:17, Heb 13:17, Acts 6:2-4, James 3:1, John 21:15-19
- Pastoral Care: Hebrews 13:17, Col 1:28
- Protection: Acts 20:29-31
- Doctrine: Acts 15:1-2
With these passages in mind, the following summarises the role of Elders in Christ Community Church:
- Lead the flock
- Feed the flock
- Tend the flock
- Guard the flock

Deacons are given to the church to help the church meet temporal needs in order to make a spiritual impact. The word deacon is derived from the word διάκονος, which literally means servant. The title implies that deacons help the church meet the needs of those within the local church and also those that God gives for His church to show and declare His mercy and grace. True sacrificial service arises from spiritual motives (Luke 6:32-36) and has a Spiritual impact (Gal 6:9-10).
Women's Leadership Group

The women’s leadership group display suitable character, doctrine and gifting for the role. This group has responsibility to provide input and feedback to the elders, thus helping and complementing the elders’ shepherding and oversight. This group also provides another contact point for members of the church community. At times it is necessary, or more appropriate, that members be able to speak with a woman in sharing their experiences or providing sensitive feedback.