It's great you've stopped by our website, but what we would really love is the opportunity to get to know you more. As children of God, we consider ourselves family. Our desire is that you'd give us a chance to make you part of the family too. Aside from our Sunday services (which is the primary place to be a part of our family), we encourage our people to be a part of smaller communities where they can GROW, SOW and be KNOWN with and alongside others.


Followers of Jesus are called to GROW in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. We believe this happens when God's word is applied to our lives. Often the best context for this is within a smaller community.


As a part of God's family we are gifted to build up one another. We have the privilege of sowing into each others lives. A key way of doing this is by serving and encouraging one another on Sundays or during the week.


Authentic Christian community is wonderful to experience. We want to provide contexts in which you can know and be known by one another as you enjoy common interests together. These groups are open to all, whether you're a part of our church or not.