Global Mission Team

The GMT “holds the rope” for our missionaries overseas by praying for them, encouraging them, sending care packages, and assisting with whatever needs they have. It also helps build vision and awareness within our church for what God is doing around the world.

Worship Team

Our team vision is to lead the church in wholehearted worship of God, so we can enjoy and declare the wonders of his grace. We seek to use our instruments and technology to help make the Sunday service exalt Christ, sound good, and maximise participation. Please let us know if you would like to serve … Read moreWorship Team

Hospitality Team

Our team vision is to to enjoy and declare the wonders of God’s grace in Christ by cultivating a welcoming home where our church family and all who come can wholeheartedly worship. We seek to welcome people on Sundays, and beyond that, into our lives and into the community we have as brothers and sisters … Read moreHospitality Team

Road Cycling and Social Coffee

Introduction At CCC, “we live to enjoy and declare the wonders of God’s grace in Christ for the good of Brisbane, Australia, and the world”. This purpose is fulfilled beyond the regular Sunday church service, and in this case, through a common passion and interest in cycling. The aim of this Connect Group, is to … Read moreRoad Cycling and Social Coffee